
dog poop Internationale

> what is dog poop called in india

In India, dog poop is commonly referred to as “dog waste” or “dog droppings.” There might be regional variations in terms of slang or colloquial terms used to describe it, but these terms are generally understood across the country.

> what is dog poop called in France

In France, dog poop is commonly referred to as “crotte de chien,” which translates to “dog droppings” or “dog excrement.”

> what is dog poop called in Japan

In Japan, dog poop is commonly referred to as “犬のうんこ” (inu no unko), where “犬” (inu) means “dog” and “うんこ” (unko) is a colloquial term for “feces” or “poop.”

> what is dog poop called in Argentina

In Argentina, dog poop is commonly referred to as “caca de perro,” where “caca” means “feces” or “poop” and “perro” means “dog.”

> what is dog poop called in Mexico

In Mexico, dog poop is commonly referred to as “popo de perro” or simply “popo.” “Popo” is a colloquial term for “feces” or “poop,” and “perro” means “dog.”

> what is dog poop called in Pakistan

In Pakistan, dog poop is commonly referred to as “کتے کا مل” (kuttay ka mal), where “کتے” (kuttay) means “dog” and “مل” (mal) refers to “excrement” or “waste.”

> what is dog poop called in Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, dog poop is commonly referred to as “Hondeschiss,” where “Hond” means “dog” and “Schiss” is a colloquial term for “feces” or “poop.”

> what is dog poop called in Italy

In Italy, dog poop is commonly referred to as “cacca di cane,” where “cacca” means “feces” or “poop,” and “cane” means “dog.”

> what is dog poop called in Portugal

In Portugal, dog poop is commonly referred to as “cocó de cão,” where “cocó” means “feces” or “poop,” and “cão” means “dog.”

> what is dog poop called in Brazil

In Brazil, dog poop is commonly referred to as “cocô de cachorro,” where “cocô” means “feces” or “poop,” and “cachorro” means “dog.”

> what is dog poop called in Egypt

In Egypt, dog poop is commonly referred to as “براز الكلب” (baraaz el kalb), where “براز” (baraaz) means “feces” or “poop,” and “الكلب” (el kalb) means “dog.”

> what is dog poop called in Hindi

In Hindi, dog poop is commonly referred to as “कुत्ते का मल” (kutte ka mal), where “कुत्ते” (kutte) means “dog” and “मल” (mal) refers to feces or waste.

> what is dog poop called in Romania

In Romanian, dog poop is commonly referred to as “excrement de câine” or simply “excrement canin”. “Excrement” refers to waste or feces, “de câine” means “of dog”, and “canin” pertains to canine.

> what is dog poop called in Ukraine

In Ukrainian, dog poop is commonly referred to as “відходи собаки” (vidkhody sobaky), where “відходи” (vidkhody) means “waste” or “excrement” and “собаки” (sobaky) means “dog”.

> what is dog poop called in Sweden

In Swedish, dog poop is commonly referred to as “hundbajs” or “hundens avföring.” “Hundbajs” directly translates to “dog poop,” and “hundens avföring” means “the dog’s feces” or “dog’s excrement.”

> what is dog poop called in Turkey

In Turkish, dog poop is commonly referred to as “köpek dışkısı” or “köpeğin dışkısı.” “Köpek” means “dog,” “dışkı” means “feces” or “stool,” and “köpeğin” means “of the dog.” So, “köpek dışkısı” translates to “dog feces” and “köpeğin dışkısı” translates to “dog’s feces.”

> what is dog poop called in Mongolia

In Mongolian, dog poop is commonly referred to as “нурууны хайрцаг” (nuruuni khairtsag), where “нуруу” (nuruu) means “dog” and “хайрцаг” (khairtsag) means “excrement” or “feces.”

> what is dog poop called in Laos

In Lao, dog poop is commonly referred to as “ຂາດຫົວຫົກ” (khad houk houk). “ຂາດ” (khad) means “dog,” and “ຫົວຫົກ” (houk houk) refers to “feces” or “poop.”

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