“Funny action against heap” – that’s the Google Translation of “Lustige Aktion gegen Häufchen“, the title of this YouTube video.
Kackel helps dachshund – Funny action against heap
Thanks to Google Translate for this:
What man is fun, he does like too. The action saubergemacht@maintal.de took up this theme. The volunteers were given the children’s game “Kackel dachshund” as a thank you for their commitment.
Thus, the tedious collection of the heap was turned into a fun action. 65 Maintaler therefore helped with the first day and gained 3 kg dog pile.
The game “Kackel dachshund” sets an example and shows how to deal with the pile of dog – because winning is who is the first to fully dog pile of a shovel.
Taboos such as animal faeces fascinate children, and that is used for the funny Goliath thrill of his game: The cube in turn decide whether to feed the hungry, the players Kackel dachshund for a walk or go to.
Then hopefully the unspeakable happened!
Might work for younger kids.
Somehow I don’t think that the teenagers are going to go for this!
Here’s the announcement (again, thx to Google Translate):
On Tuesday 14 September is the opening event on the campaign “saubergemacht@maintal.de” on the Main Dörnigheim meadows in Maine, level of Mühlheimer ferry instead. The supporters of the initiative do sensiblisieren Maintaler the citizens, especially all dog owners and dog-holder, to the problem of dog waste on playgrounds and Gewegen, in parks and public green spaces. By participating, can win in the opening event of something: The Family Game “Kackel dachshund” Goliath of the games publisher, which addresses a funny way, the problem with dog waste.
Location: Maine
Homepage: http://www.maintal.de
Insane as this is, I think it’s is a good project!
& what a great phrase! Maybe we’ll can use it as a slogan: ‘South Poop – Funny action against heap!’
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